Saturday, April 22, 2023

How to decode gematria

Gematria is an ancient practice of deciphering mysterious codes to find hidden meanings in words or phrases. It has been used in various religious and spiritual traditions since antiquity, and is still used today in many esoteric circles. Gematria is often used to uncover the mystical truths of the universe, or to deepen one's understanding of sacred texts.

Many consider gematria to be a complex or even mysterious art form, but it's actually quite easy to understand and to decode for yourself. Here are some basic steps for decoding gematria:

1) Start by writing out whatever phrase you are looking to decode. Pay close attention to spelling, as this will be essential for the decoding process.

2) Assign a numerical value for each letter of your phrase or word. You can do this by using any commonly accepted numerical value system known as an "Abulafia" system – such as the Hebrew Abulafia, Greek Abulafia, or Chaldean Abulafia systems – all available online.

3) Once you have assigned numerical values for each letter, start adding them all up together to get a total value. This total number will then provide a clue as to what hidden meanings may be hidden within the phrase you are examining.

4) Finally, think deeply about what that number could mean and what the word or phrase might represent on spiritual, mystical or symbolic level - whether it is related to personal development, karmic cycles or divine connections with higher powers.

See more about gematria decoder

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